Sunday, October 4, 2015

Time to take a sip of tea and relax...

When was the last time you thought about the air you breathed? Or maybe contemplated the sky and the sun that shines on you every morning? It's probably been a while since you last stopped focusing on the minuscule but arduous tasks at hand an really looked at the world around you.

pretty comprehensive, except the sleep section is inaccurately big
We often forget about the biggest things in life and tend to focus too much on the little things- as David Foster Wallace mentioned in a speech.  An epitome of this can be seen in our bland lives: we wake up, eat three meals, go to work or school so the future can be secure, and sleep at early hours in the morning, only to wake up a little bit later to start over.  Sounds pretty familiar, right?  However, I bet it's been a while since you stopped and took a day off.  I know the initial reaction of "I don't have time to waste, every minute/day counts".  But, it's because of this tone and attitude that leads to the increasingly monotone action of our lives.  Like a cup of tea without any flavoring, milk, or sugar, this type of life can be insipid and easily become overbearing.  So even though you may think you're being productive (which you're not), it may be time to relax and enjoy the world around you, since you haven't done so in a while.
Although this is true, don't forget to step back and look at the big picture every now and then


  1. christinaa i love your blog post for this week as always.. I really like how you talked about Wallace and more importantly, the quote that you put up. It basically sums up everything you wrote about and what people should do in order to not regret things and take more responsibility and control over their actions in the present time. nice job!

  2. This is really nice Christina! I should prolly listen to this advice every now and then..... and you're right, that sleep section is waaay too big, even for me (even though i go to bed every day at liek 10:30 XD)
    ~ Rashika
