Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hi, I'm a pollo-pescetarian

That's right, a pollo-pescetarian.  Basically, I only eat poultry and seafood (with the exception of the times when my parents force me to eat the steak they prepared for dinner).  This is by no means a very hard or restrictive task- red meat was always too heavy for me and seafood is probably the best thing ever.  That being said, reading "Consider the Lobster" by David Foster Wallace was quite a harsh journey.  Lobster is probably my favorite seafood, and reading reasons why such preparation is unethical was definitely not a helpful boost.
can we just...
I have several issues with the argument that cooking a lobster is just plain out cruel.  First of all, the idea that you're killing a lobster in front of your eyes is not a new one.  In fact, if you go to China, it is not uncommon for freshly slaughtered chickens to be hanging by their neck, awaiting their next customer.  If preparing a lobster yourself is cruel, then what about chickens? Turkey? How about that well done steak you had for lunch yesterday?  In the end, that nice dinner is really a dead animal, and if you have problems with that, then you should probably be a vegetarian.  While this all sounds quite harsh, it is only the reality.  And whether you are fine with the idea of killing another living mammal for your eating pleasure or not, that is a personal decision that should not inflict on others.  There should not-- and is not-- a universal decision on vegetarianism.  In fact, you can see from my own classification that there are many parts to such a decision.
maybe a more pleasant picture for some of you
I know I make quite a few controversial points here that can be easily disputed.  As a disclaimer, I am not bashing Wallace's points/essay in any way.  In fact, my argument here only strengthens his, as he states that discussion of this conundrum "should stop... right here"(680).  Everyone has there own varying degrees of moral codes, but for now, I'm going to stick with my lobster dinner.

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